Shop by Cellular Phone Provider

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Consumers Could Benefit from an AT&T and T-Mobile Merger

If you haven't heard, AT&T is proposing a merger/buyout of fellow provider T-Mobile. The deal faces some skepticism from the FCC, competitors, and consumers, but I think it looks like the deal will get done eventually.

At first glance, it seems like such a merger might hurt customers, especially existing T-Mobile customers who are happy with their service. Questions arise such as what Brands and plans will continue to exist. Will T-Mobile be no more or will they be an AT&T owned brand? What about their cheap cell phone plans?

Some are trying to find the bright side in this merger and how it might be good for cellular providers and their customers. I came across an article on Huffington Post that argues this point. What is the point? The author believes that those arguing about the price are missing the point. The deal is about content, and subscribers want and the market supports the purchase of that content.

This is a good point for a lot of consumers, though I'd say there are still a lot of cellular phone users who ARE very interested in the monthly cost of their phone service and mostly using calling and text features.